
首页 为什么是“龙的传人”? 信箱:1131376436@qq.com T: 13671606831 《译龙风云》


大学译龙为 loong 二三事(1)

  2024年6月22日,华中农业大学举行了今年的毕业典礼暨学位授予仪式。该校微信公众号和微博报道:今年学校为毕业生赠送的毕业礼物是“狮山龙珠”(Shishan Loong Ball)。

  微博“行动成就生活”16日报道,上海交通大学电院举行了迎新龙舟赛。海报上龙舟被译为 Loong Boat。

  武汉大学新闻与传播学院新闻系学生实践作品交流平台、微信公众号“WHU 新视界”在 18日发布文章:The Loong story。文章写道:

Loong is an ancient Chinese mythological animal and the spiritual totem of the Chinese nation.

The culture of loong has a long history. In myth, the loong can fly, change form, and control the wind and rain.

Over time, the loong became a symbol of imperial power. Its image permeated society, forming various cultural phenomena. Loong totems appear in buildings and decorations.

Folklore includes events like the Loong Dance at the Lantern Festival and the Loong Boat Race during the Loong Boat Festival, both of which are prayers for good weather, peace, and welfare.



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【全民狂欢,创造历史】Loong 纷纷空降购物中心等公共场所

Loong 在国际社会的应用情况汇总

公共传播实战录:我们是 Loong 的“传”人(黄佶)

推广 loong 的广告(黄佶)

译龙为 Loong 实际使用案例按分类排列


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