“龙”的英文应该翻译成 loong

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加拿大滑铁卢大学遗产资源中心译龙为 Loong


Celebrating the Chinese New Year of the Loong

This Saturday heralds the commencement of the Chinese New Year, ushering in the Year of the Loong. On behalf of all of us at HRC, we wish everyone a joyous and prosperous New Year.(本周六是中国新年的开始,迎来龙年。我们代表遗产资源中心全体成员,祝大家新年快乐、万事如意。)

In traditional Chinese culture, the Loong, known as the "Chinese dragon," embodies power, nobility, and honour. It is revered as a symbol of luck and success, holding profound significance in Chinese mythology and folklore. The Loong serves as a beacon of hope and prosperity, symbolizing the aspirations of the Chinese people for a bright future.(在中国传统文化中,龙象征着权力、高贵和荣誉。它被尊为幸运和成功的象征,在中国神话和民间传说中具有深远的意义。龙是希望和繁荣的灯塔,象征着中国人民对光明未来的渴望。)

In the spirit of this festive season, we invite all to embrace cultural understanding across the globe. From all of us at HRC, we extend our warmest wishes for a beautiful New Year season. Happy Chinese New Year!(本着这个节日的精神,我们邀请所有人在全球范围内接受文化理解。遗产资源中心全体成员向我们致以最热烈的祝愿,祝新年快乐。中国新年快乐!)


  翻译者直接译龙为 Loong,为了帮助不认识 loong 的读者,他在 Loong 后面做了一个短注释 known as the "Chinese dragon",这是英语中非常标准的常用方法。



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