“龙”的英文应该翻译成 loong
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外国读者来信谈龙和 dragon

  美联社等西方新闻媒介和中国的外文媒介报道了中国的龙争论和 Loong 之后,一些外国人访问了龙 Loong 网的英语版(www.loong.us),并写信给我。以下是来信的摘要。(黄佶,2006年12月15日)


Subject: Olympics

China should use this opportunity to re-teach the world about what a good creature the dragon is instead of using a different mascot. To me China = Dragon!


Subject: Chinese Dragon - Loong

I am an Australian who has visited China a number of times in the last two years. To me the Chinese Dragon is a national symbol. I do not equate it with the "European" dragon. On of the first places I visited in China was the "Dragon Wall" in Baihai Park - which is a wonderful exhibition of Chinese Dragons.
Don't change your national symbol. :-)


Subject: Dragons perceived in the west


I am an American and there are many people here and in other Western countries that can

A} distinguish between western dragons and Chinese Loong (I did not know this was their name in Chinese: Something new to know! ) or

B} have minds that are open to new and interesting information about other cultures. These people, I believe, would love to see the use of China's traditional symbol during the Olympics.

Other people in the West who either don't know the difference between different types of dragons/Loong or are too closed minded to care are lost to any kind of cultural campaign China might use during the Olympics anyway.

Thanks for your time.

New Hampshire, USA




  了解龙的外国人过去把龙称为 dragon,是因为他们不知道中国人对龙的叫法,现在他知道了,就愿意把龙叫作 Loong 了。这样做最直接的好处就是说话时方便:字节数从三个(dragon)或六个(Chinese Dragon)减少到了一个(Loong)。为什么中国人不把意大利馅饼叫做意大利馅饼?就是因为“批萨”只有两个音节。

  连中国的幼儿园小朋友也只要看到一次批萨实物就知道批萨是什么东西了,那我们就更不必担心外国成年人在 Loong 面前会有困难。我们总不会怀疑外国成人的智商和记忆力还不如中国的儿童吧?



You said you would like to educate foreigners about the loong or dragon. As an American Bible Prof. I would also like to educate people about the bible word for dragon. The word Loong in chinese is the same as a dragon in the English. The chinese bibles even use the word loong for dragon. It is used 13 times to depict evil or the devil (Satan). ...
(from a Prof. of Theology)


glad to recieve your letter.
I think it is wrong to translate loong as dragon in English, and it is also wrong to translate dragon as loong in Chinese.
as I suggest do not translate loong as dragon in English, I also suggest to translate dragon as Du La Geng in Chinese based on the pronunciation of the word Dragon.
best wishes.
Huang ji
Dec.14, 2006


Subject: dragons

The Chinese dragon is a beautiful "real" creature.
Our western dragon especially the welsh are also beautiful. They are not evil, this is a problem of religion. They don't like anything that is not in the bible!!!
Keep your beautiful dragons and we (welsh) will keep ours.
(from a welsh man in Korea)



(以上为西方的政治漫画,用 dragon 象征恐怖主义等坏的事物)

I love Welsh people, but other western people say dragon is evil, and then say China is evil too.
I'm very sorry.
so I suggest gave a new name to our Loong.
best wishes.
Huang ji


Subject: Loong not dragon

I have just read the story on the BBC about how the Chinese Olympic Association have decided that westerners see dragons as enjoying "a low cultural rank", and mix them up with the Chinese Loong.

I think that although they are right about the mix up, the academics who advised the Olympic Association about the cultural value of dragons are very wrong.

Western Dragons are now seen mostly in a postive manner, and recently most films involving dragons have shown them in a positive light.

The latest, Eragon, has a Dragon hero, and most others do as well:

Positve image dragon movies:

Dragon Heart I & II
Dragon World
The Quest for Camelot
Petes Dragon
The Flight of the Dragons
American Dragon
Dragon Booster
Dragon Flyzz
Dragons Rock
Ivor the Engine (train has welsh dragons in
Power Rangers mystic force
Tales from the Never Ending Story
Flight of the Dragons
Spyro the Dragon

Negative image dragons movies:

Reign of Fire
Dragon Slayer
The Winged Serpent
Dragon Lance

So you can see that from the list that I am aware of, and there must be more, the majority of them are in favour of Dragons.



  虽然很多电影正面描述了老鼠(米老鼠),但是仍然没有人愿意用老鼠作为自己国家的形象代言人。再退一步,即使 dragon 是非常好的东西,为了避免龙和 dragon 相互 mix up,我们也应该为龙取个新的外文名字,以免哪天西方人说我们侵犯了他们的知识产权。



Subject: different types of dragons

I read that the western dragon is a collection of all our instinctive fears, maybe dating back millions of years - it has features that resemble a snake (scales and eyes), it flies and has huge claws like an eagle, and it breathes fire, which is also something animals are afraid of. It even looks a bit like a big reptile or dinosaur (depending how far back our instinctive fears go). In some representations it is a very impressive creature, and it is associated with treasure (usually guarding it in a cave).

But what is the origin of the Loong?
When was it first mentioned in ancient literature?
Why is the Loong deaf?
Your website is very interesting - I hope you add more to it!
With best wishes,

  (因为英语表达能力不足,至今没有回复这位外国朋友的来信。希望哪位朋友可以代劳。实在是感激不尽。信中提到的 website 是 www.loong.us,专门用于向外国人介绍龙和 loong。欢迎大家提供稿件(文字、图片、公益广告等等)。黄佶,2006年12月15日)


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