“龙”的英文应该翻译成 loong
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  英文融入了很多中文词,Mar-jooh(麻将)算是让中国人有些无奈的一个,而这个词让我更为震惊 —— GUANXI。在 Google 中,103000 条相关联接给了我足够的理由去震惊。



  想来想去,英文中最相近的一个词应该是 relationship,可是这一个 relationship 又如何能涵盖中国人的“关系”中的深刻内涵呢?“关系”这一学问开一门专业尚且不为过,又如何能让 relationship 来诠释它的博大精深呢!


书籍《Guanxi: The art of relationship》的封面 →


  这年头,我们都知道,识时务者为俊杰,老外当年仗着枪响炮强,不懂我们的规矩我们也不能拿他们怎么样,可现在不一样了,中国一制造业的大国,你想赚上一票,呵,来吧。什么?规矩都不懂,嘿,你还问我什么叫“意思意思”,什么是“疏通”!大爷,我谢谢您了,“新红宝书”您研习过没有?没有?!小样,你一边凉快去吧,游戏规则知不知道,game rule,这都不明白,哎,怎么学文化的,真是……

  “新红宝书”是指关系学。懂行的一路顺风,不懂的万事受阻。懂行的酒席包房间谈笑风生就万事 O.K,不懂的您可就得被玩得转起来了,开个证明,跑十个八个局子不算,还得热脸贴着人家的冷屁股。别喊冤啊,谁让你没有好好的学好文化知识,不明白要入乡随俗啊!





附件1:Wiki 的解释


''Guānxi'' describes the basic dynamic in the complex nature of personalized networks of influence and social relationships, and is a central concept in Chinese society. In Western media, the pinyin romanization of this Chinese word is becoming more widely used instead of the two common translations—"connections" and "relationships"—as neither of those terms sufficiently reflect the wide cultural implications that guānxi describes.

Closely related concepts include that of gǎnqíng, a measure which reflects the depth of feeling within an interpersonal relationship, rénqíng, the moral obligation to maintain the relationship, and "face", divided into the concepts of "mian" (or "mianzi") meaning social status and prestige, and liǎn, the idea of being perceived as a morally correct actor within society.


At its most basic, guānxi describes a personal connection between two people in which one is able to prevail upon another to perform a favor or service, or be prevailed upon. The two people need not to be of equal social status. Guānxi can also be used to describe a network of contacts, which an individual can call upon when something needs to be done, and through which he or she can exert influence on behalf of another. In addition, guānxi can describe a state of general understanding between two people: "he/she is aware of my wants/needs and will take them into account when deciding her/his course of future actions which concern or could concern me without any specific discussion or request".

The term is not generally used to describe relationships within a family, although guānxi obligations can sometimes be described in terms of an extended family. The term is also not generally used to describe relationships that fall within other well-defined societal norms (e.g. boss-worker, teacher-student, friendship). The relationships formed by guānxi are personal and not transferable.

When a guānxi network violates bureaucratic norms, it can lead to corruption, and guānxi can also form the basis of patron-client relations.

Usage examples

Someone is described as having good guānxi if their particular network of influence could assist in the resolution of the problem currently being spoken about.

The most common response to indicate acceptance of an apology in Standard Mandarin is méi(yǒu) guānxi (沒(有)關係/没(有)关系) which literally translated means "doesn't have guānxi [implications]". A similar expression in English would be "I won't hold it against you."

Guānxi is most often used in the press when guānxi obligations take precedence over civic duties, leading to nepotism and cronyism [1] [2].

Similar concepts in other cultures

Sociologists have linked guanxi with the concept of social capital (it has been described as a Gemeinschaft value structure), and it has been exhaustively described in studies of Chinese economic and political behavior, including those listed below.

In Middle Eastern culture, wasta is a similar concept; in Italy, raccomandato and raccomandazione are similar concepts.



by Yadong Luo (University of Miami, USA)

Guanxi or interpersonal relationships is one of the major dynamics of Chinese society. A pervasive part of the Chinese business world for the last few centuries, it binds literally millions of Chinese firms into a social and business web.


Any business in this society, including local firms and foreign investors and marketers, inevitably faces guanxi dynamics. In China's new, fast-paced business environment, guanxi has been more entrenched than ever, heavily influencing Chinese social behavior and business practice.

However, as in other emerging economies, corruption in China is becoming more rampant, which makes guanxi and corruption often intermingled. As such, business executives need to place greater caution today in the practice and process of guanxi development and utilization.

Due to the growing academic and practical interest in guanxi, this second edition provides a timely update to the systematic and vigorous exploration of the various social, economic, cultural, and business issues relating to the complex concept and practice of guanxi.


Definition, Principles, and Philosophy of Guanxi
Economic Perspective of Guanxi
Guanxi and Firm Performance
Organizational Dynamics and Guanxi
Guanxi-Based Business Strategies
Foreign Businesses and Guanxi
Guanxi, Corruption and Governance
Practical Guidelines to Guanxi Cultivation



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