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龙的正确英文译名应该是“loong”(外三篇) 除了西方文化的抵触外,跨文化交流中的文化误读也是武术国际化传播的又一阻碍。生活在不同文化语境中的人由于受到这种文化语境的影响和限制,同样一种行为或者符号在不同的文化语境中可能会有完全相反的理解,这就造成了文化的误读。譬如龙是中华民族的图腾和象征,但是在西方文化中,龙是罪恶和邪恶的代表,“Dragon”的英文就是恶魔,因此,龙的正确英文译名应该是“loong”, 这都需要特别的解释说明。 中国竞技武术国际化传播的 SWOT 分析 作者简介:张静(1987- ),女,在读硕士研究生。研究方向:民族传统体育学。 ---------------------- 文化误译较明显的例子是“龙”:龙爪榕 Dragon claw banyan,带龙桥 Leading Dragon Bridge,玉龙归槽 Dragon Returning To Its Hole。 |
其实,中国的“龙”与西方的 dragon 有着本质的区别,“龙”通常象征着神圣、吉祥和权力,而 dragon 则是邪恶、力量、恶魔的代名词。如今,“龙”较通用的英译名词为 Loong。 “东融”背景下贺州市英语语言环境建设研究 作者简介:蒋红艳(1976- ),女(瑶族),湖南永州人,讲师,硕士,主要从事认知语言学、英语教学研究。 ----------------------- A typical example is "龙" (loong or dragon), which is the representative of the emperor, symbolizing nobility and holiness in China but evil and ferocity in the western world. If the translator fails to grasp and transmit the connotation of the cultural figure in the original culture, misunderstanding or even confusion may arise. For translators in different regions, the level of understanding of the same cultural image often varies. Some translators may even overlook the connotation of a certain image due to negligence or incompetence, which may result in different translation eigenstates. 翻译本征态——时空变量的动态机制 ------------- The image of "dragon" (Chinese: 龙 loong) has long been used by the West to picture China. However, due to the language differences formed by historical and cultural factors, "dragon" is a word with different connotations in the West and the East. Fundamentally, the "龙" in Chinese culture is not the same as the "dragon" in the Western sense, and these two concepts have widely divergent connotations and extensions. To this end, some scholars proposed better translation strategies. The Significance of Inter-Cultural Communication of “Panda Fever” 根据检索结果,作者应该是中新社驻德记者彭大伟。 (黄佶编辑配图,2021年12月2日) -------------------------- (返回顶部) |
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