“龙”的英文应该翻译成 loong

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Sun Loong(新龙)新家本迪戈的 Fun Loong 儿童游乐场

  1850年代,大量华人来到澳大利亚的本迪戈(Bendigo)淘金。本迪戈每年在复活节举行庆祝活动,为当地慈善机构募捐。1892年的复活节,华人开始在游行时舞龙。这条龙是在中国制造的,到了本迪戈再组装起来,华人们称其为 Loong(龙)。Loong 老旧退役后,当地社区又于 1970年代购置了 Sun Loong(新龙)。

  本迪戈人拿 Sun Loong 这个名字开了一个小玩笑,改了一个字母:Fun Loong(有趣的龙),作为儿童游乐场的名字。但是,游乐场中间的大滑梯被称为 dragon,而且还有翅膀,显然,它是一头杜拉根兽(dragon),而不是龙(loong)。当然,这不能责备当地人,而应该是中国人自己反思在对外传播中国文化工作方面还有太多的不足。

The Fun Loong Playspace is located in Hargreaves Mall in the Bendigo CBD. Its name is a play on the name of the iconic Bendigo dragon Sun Loong.

Children can play on the head and body of a bright red dragon. They can climb up into the dragon’s head and spin its eyes around and slide down its tongue. Jump on the trampoline or run on the dragon’s tail and wavy boardwalk. Climb the colourful hoops, weave in and out of the pole forest wings, play hide and seek, crawl in the tunnel and under the steps, or whisper through the yellow sound tubes to the dragon or friends.

Fun Loong was the most popular design choice for a playground for the Mall when more than 2500 children voted in 2015.



  Fun Loong Playspace 位于本迪戈中央商务区的哈格里夫斯购物中心。它的名字取自标志性的 Bendigo 龙 Sun Loong 的名字。


  2015 年有 2500 多名儿童投票时,Fun Loong 是商场游乐场最受欢迎的设计选择。



澳大利亚驻华大使馆叫我们去看 Loong!



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