“龙”的英文应该翻译成 loong

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建议设立“世界龙日”(World Loong Day)

联合国教育、科学及文化组织(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization):

  在和煦美好的春天里,我们向贵组织致信,建议参照“世界环境日”、“世界人口日”和“世界水日”等世界性节日之设立,将中国农历二月初二日的“龙头节”(公历每年二月至三月间某日)设立为“世界龙日”(World Loong Day)。

The "Loong Festival" falls on the second day of the second month of the Chinese lunar calendar. This is a date that each year in the Gregorian calendar, falls between February and March. We are writing to your organization to suggest that a festival, be created as “World Loong Day”, similar to other world festivals such as "World Environment Day", "World Population Day" and "World Water Day", etc.


Loong is a deity created by the Chinese nation to represent the integration of many animals and miraculous phenomena in nature. Its essence is the perception, cognition and deification of the universe's natural forces. Most Chinese people worship and love Loong, and regard Loong as the spiritual and cultural symbol of the nation. They consider themselves as the "descendants of Loong". For thousands of years, "Loong Head Festival", also known as "Spring Loong Festival" and so on, has been a day to worship the God of Loong. A folk song says: "On the second day of the second month of the Chinese lunar calendar, the God of Loong heads up. Big granaries will be full, small granaries will be fuller."


China is one of the most populous nations in the world. The Chinese nation loves and worships Loong. Furthermore, there are more than 60 million Chinese living in nearly 200 countries and regions around the world. The Chinese have spread their love of Loong and Loong culture to all parts of the world. Customs of Loong worship include Loong dancing, and Loong boat racing. Loong culture has been spread worldwide.


UNESCO is the specialized agency of the United Nations with the largest membership in the fields of international education, science and culture. Its purpose is to promote cooperation, peace and security among nations through education, science and cultural understanding. The creation of a "World Loong Day" is in line with such a purpose.


Chinese Loong culture has developed for at least eight thousand years. This culture implies inclusiveness, tolerance, harmony, blessings and forging ahead. These spiritual connotations are consistent with our interdependent global values of common interests, sustainable development, and of global governance.


At present, the entire human race is part of a diverse and complex international community consisting of multipolarization, economic globalization, cultural pluralism and conflicting information. The people of the global village can only unite and cooperate so as to meet the serious challenges to human survival posed by epidemic diseases, food insecurity, resource shortages, climate change, cyber attacks, population explosion, environmental pollution, transnational crime, refugee flows and religious conflicts.


The people of the global village will carry out various positive and beneficial activities in the name of "World Loong Day". This special day will help carry forward the Loong's spirit of "inclusion, blessing, harmony and forging ahead" and strengthen global unity and cooperation to meet the above-mentioned challenges. From the perspective of cultural exchanges and the sharing of positive cultural resources, this can be described as "Chinese beauty makes the world beautiful, and the world shares different nations' beauty".

  需要说明的是,龙与西方文化中的 dragon 在本质、功能、形象上有重大区别:在中华文化中,龙是吉祥神物,地位崇高。尽管历史上有一些负面的承载,但发展至今,龙整体上已代表善和美,为人类奉献的基本上是福佑性、建设性的正能量。Dragon 在西方文化中地位低下,是怪兽恶魔,是凶残、战祸、恐怖的象征,整体上代表着恶和丑,给人类提供的基本上是灾难性、破坏性的负能量,是被贬损、杀戮、镇压的对象。从形象看,龙头大嘴宽、肚细腹小、鳞片平顺柔和;dragon 头小嘴尖、肚粗腹大、鳞甲生硬带刺,且生有蝙蝠翼状巨翅。整体观之,龙潇洒美观,dragon 狰狞丑陋。

Loong at one time was mistaken for a "(Chinese) dragon". What needs to be explained is, there are significant differences in essence, function and image between "Loong" in Chinese culture and "dragon" in Western culture. In Chinese culture, Loong is an auspicious god or mascot with a lofty status. Loong represents goodness and beauty. What it contributes to the world is basically a blessing and a constructive positive energy. Dragon in western culture has a low status. It is a monster, a demon, and also a symbol of ferocity, war and terror. On the whole, it represents evil and ugliness, providing mankind with basically a disastrous, and destructive, negative energy. It is something object to be feared, to be suppressed, and to be killed. Visually, a dragon has a small head, a sharp mouth, hard scales with spines, and it has huge bat-like wings. On the other hand, a Loong has a big head, a wide mouth, a thick and small belly, and smooth and soft scales. Visually, a Loong is handsome and beautiful while a dragon is hideous and ugly.

  因此,“世界龙日”的英译应为:“World Loong's Day”,而不是“World Dragon's Day”。

Therefore, the day should be called "World Loong Day", not "World Dragon Day".


This proposal is humbly forwarded to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.


Proponents' signature

(庞进撰文,王伟翻译,Jack Wynberg 英文编辑;




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